Spending the holidays away from home can be tough. Not being able to get together with friends and family, eat delicious meals, and participate in special traditions is emotionally difficult for most. While the homesick feelings are completely natural, hotels can still create safe and festive environments to provide guests with an extra special experience this time of year.
There is no question that security is among the top concerns of travelers when choosing where to stay, and this is definitely true throughout the Christmas season, when the overall level of crime, specifically thefts and robberies, tend to rise. Guests not only expect good customer service and cozy rooms but unparalleled protection. Hotels must, therefore, ensure that visitors, employees, belongings, and assets are successfully safeguarded.
Some of the most important aspects of hotel security are:
Security Cameras
The use of video security is becoming ineludible for the hospitality industry to offer guests an enjoyable, unharmed stay. With the right video surveillance system, organizations can improve their security, strengthen loss prevention programs, and deliver a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere, which can result in tourists spending more time — and money at your hotel.
Property and liability claims can also be minimized when video evidence is available. In this context, video surveillance is exceptionally valuable to prove how events (e.g., slip-and-falls or employee injuries) really occurred at your premises.
The above benefits are amplified when you choose a cloud-based video surveillance option, as the cloud offers virtually unlimited scalability, advanced remote access capabilities, and efficient — quick and easy — navigation between cameras in different locations.
Access Control
Few business sectors have been as affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, as the hospitality industry. In order to reopen hotels, while ensuring people remain safe, it is essential that touchless access control is implemented. Digital keys are a convenient and safe way to help decrease the possibility of spreading the virus, and a compelling strategy to encourage travelers back to hotels.
With keyless access, the guest experience is enhanced, and check-in/check-out protocols are simplified. Further, security is augmented when automation and process optimization take place. This can increase the perception of safety and convenience of tourists, exceeding their expectations and delivering superior operational efficiencies.