I came across this article and wanted to share it with our blog readers. It brings up a very real and interesting point about how electronic security systems are designed and just how user-friendly they are.
One of the problems faced is electronic security systems have always been designed and built by engineers and technicians, which then get turned over to the users to understand and operate. In many cases, the manuals are filled with technical jargon and acronyms that make it difficult to understand.
So what can be done in order to make these systems more user-friendly? Manufacturers can make the "usability" functions simpler.
The 5 important elements of usability are:
- Easy to learn
- Quick to use
- Simple to remember
- Easy to navigate
- Enjoyable ease of use
It's also a good idea to conduct focus groups to get your customer's perspectives. It will give you a better understanding of their needs and wants.
Source: Security Sales & Integration online - Tech Talk with Bob Dolff, May 21