The COVID-19 pandemic has completely disrupted our normal way of doing things in all aspects of life — at home, at our businesses, and of course the places we shop and gather essentials for everyday life. It's no secret that people don't want to touch things that others have touched on a regular basis anymore. Enter the age of touch-free!

So many common, everyday activities are having to be rethought and people and businesses are getting very creative as they attempt to capitalize on the need for alternative methods of doing simple tasks we all took for granted before the virus reared its ugly head.
Commonly touched items that can cause the spread of coronavirus (and other infectious disease) can include things like elevator buttons, ATM and checkout keypads, door knobs and handles, keyboards and mice, and door/entry access control panels — just to name a few. When you think about all of the “touchable” items that you interact with each day it becomes a daunting task to stay away from them and feel safe, clean and virus-free. Well, it's no surprise that right now, businesses are feeling the need to provide solutions and upgrade their safety and security as the workforce begins to come back to the office or plan for that to happen soon.
Security management professionals everywhere are being shown by manufacturers how their products can make a difference through technology and those same buyers are wanting (and needing) to make decisions on how to incorporate new elements to existing systems as a part of the “new normal” at their respective campuses and places of business.
Here’s a thought: It’s possible to make improvements to systems that achieve multiple goals and growth requirements within security departments. The most basic example could be that perhaps certain projects you were looking to get done before the pandemic can be creatively combined with going touch-free. But either way, there's no question that buyers should take care in choosing the how, what and who. How will those newly specified products fit in their current security ecosystem and network environment? What devices and physical products are going to be the right fit with your existing systems? Who will support your internal technology teams with software upgrades and compatibility matters with future versions?
Buy American Support Small Business
Ingenuity and free enterprise are the American way, and the commercial security industry is of course no exception to these concepts. As many manufacturers of products work towards developing touch-free devices or altering their offerings to include upgrades that help to create touch-free zones at places of work, there's no doubt certain makers will rise to the top and make an impact on the demand for their technology and innovations. An experienced security integrator who brings knowledge and experience with best-in-class products and systems can help you cut through the clutter of information overload and help you understand which products are the best choices for you. Don't go it alone when researching, testing, purchasing, and installing new equipment for your systems. Rely on your integrator — and make sure they act like a partner — to help you navigate the waters of touch-free security products.
COVID-19 Office Safety Guide from Openpath Security, Inc.