The latest reports on patient data security show a large increase in patient data losses at healthcare facilities. This is a 32% increase from the previous year with respondents citing lost or stolen devices ranging from laptops to smartphones. It's estimated these types of losses cost the U.S. healthcare industry about $6.5 billion.
The 2011 Benchmark Study on Patient Privacy and Data Security proves that organizations are facing challenges with these losses. 61% of organizations stated they aren't confident they know where patient data is physically located, while 55% said they lack confidence in their ability to detect privacy incidents.
In order for healthcare facilities to fight these losses, they will need to increase security at their locations. However, many hospitals and other healthcare facilities tend to underspend on this type of security. Some hospitals say their primary focus is treating patients, not on patient data security.
Another major issue, in this case, is the increasing use of mobile devices by medical staff. The study found 81% use some form of a mobile device for medical uses within the facility, but 49% admit their organizations don't do much to protect the devices.
Organizations can start by taking the following steps to reduce the number of patient data incidents:
- Improve passwords used within organizations
- Medical data management & training
To read the entire article, please click HERE. Source: Information Week 12.7.11
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