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Security requirements for the cannabis industry in Alaska



The cannabis industry in Alaska, like any other, is fraught with potential risks and challenges. Theft, fraud, and unauthorized access are some of the significant security concerns plaguing this industry. To mitigate these risks and ensure the safety of cannabis facilities, stringent legal mandates and requirements have been imposed by the Alaskan government.

These measures include advanced surveillance systems, secure entry points, and round-the-clock security personnel. Additionally, strict inventory tracking and reporting procedures are in place to prevent the illicit diversion of cannabis products. By implementing these comprehensive security measures and solutions, the Alaskan government aims to create a safe and regulated environment that thrives and provides quality products to consumers.

Understanding the risks

The cannabis industry's unique nature, involving high-value products and large amounts of cash, makes it a prime target for criminals. Unauthorized access, burglary, and vandalism can lead to significant financial losses and potentially harm the reputation of your business.

Marijuana sites in Alaska are subject to a range of security risks. The most prevalent is theft, both internal and external. Internal theft can occur when employees take advantage of lax security measures or poor inventory management to steal products. External theft, on the other hand, tends to involve criminal break-ins, often resulting in significant losses.

Another major risk is fraud, which can involve the falsification of inventory records, customer information, or sales records. This can have severe consequences, including financial losses and regulatory penalties.

Unauthorized access also poses a significant threat. This can occur when non-employees gain access to restricted areas, potentially leading to theft or vandalism. In some instances, unauthorized access can also lead to breaches of sensitive business data, which can damage a company's reputation and customer trust.

Lastly, non-compliance with state regulations is another major risk. Failing to meet the stringent security requirements set out by the Alaskan government can result in expensive penalties, including fines and license revocation. This can also damage a business's reputation and result in lost sales.

Alaska's legal mandates for cannabis security

In Alaska, law 3AAC 306.715 outlines the security requirements for cannabis businesses. These include:

Identification badges:

All employees, without exception, are required to visibly and prominently display their identification badges at all times while on the licensed premises. This policy ensures a safe and secure environment, allowing for easy identification of authorized personnel and enhancing overall security measures.

Exterior lighting:

Adequate lighting must be provided in order to effectively facilitate surveillance, ensuring that all areas are well-illuminated and minimizing blind spots. This not only enhances visibility but also acts as a deterrent to potential intruders, contributing to the overall effectiveness of the surveillance system.

An expert physical security integrator can suggest several lighting solutions to enhance the security of your cannabis business premises. They could employ High-Intensity Discharge (HID) lamps, which produce a high output of light, ideal for large outdoor spaces.

For indoor spaces, LED lights could be utilized, as they offer energy efficiency and longevity, ensuring constant illumination for surveillance purposes. Moreover, motion-activated lighting systems could be installed, which illuminate specific areas when movement is detected, acting both as a deterrent to potential intruders and an aid to surveillance operations.

Additionally, an integrator could implement a smart lighting system, enabling you to control lighting remotely, thus offering flexibility and increased control over your security systems.

Alarm systems:

An alarm system must be installed on all exterior doors and windows. A sophisticated platform serves as an indispensable tool in enhancing the security of any business, especially those in the cannabis sector.

With its functionality beyond the simple detection of unauthorized intrusions, it provides an array of benefits that contribute to a more secure and regulated operational environment. For one, modern alarm systems are equipped with advanced features like real-time notifications, enabling you to be informed instantly when an alarm is triggered, thus allowing for swift response to potential security threats.

In terms of specifics, today's advanced alarm systems may feature a blend of motion detectors, glass-break sensors, and door/window contacts. Motion detectors can be strategically placed within your premises to detect any unauthorized movement, especially in areas where movement is restricted or during off-business hours.

Glass-break sensors, on the other hand, provide an added layer of security by triggering the alarm system if the sound frequency of breaking glass is detected, ideal for securing exterior windows or glass doors. Door and window contacts trigger the alarm when doors or windows are opened while the system is armed.

Furthermore, many modern alarm systems offer integration with other security measures such as surveillance and access control systems, providing a comprehensive security solution. This integration allows for streamlined operations, as the alarm system can activate the recording of surveillance cameras when an alarm is triggered, capturing potential evidence that may be crucial in any subsequent investigations.

Lastly, the utilization of an alarm system contributes to a more secure work environment by acting as a deterrent to potential intruders. The mere presence of an alarm system can dissuade potential threats, as it signifies a proactive approach to security, indicating that any unauthorized activities are likely to be detected and addressed promptly.

Video Surveillance:

A comprehensive video surveillance system that can identify a face at 20 feet is a must. The system should record continuously, covering restricted access areas, entrances, and point-of-sale areas. All surveillance footage must be securely stored and preserved for a minimum of 40 days. High-definition cameras should be installed strategically to cover all critical areas.

The most beneficial video surveillance solution for a cannabis establishment should encompass a set of features tailored to the specific needs and risks of the premises. An ideal system would be IP-based, as it provides superior image quality, scalability, and remote accessibility compared to traditional analog systems.

  1. High-resolution cameras: Using high-resolution cameras, preferably 4K, ensures detailed imaging that can clearly identify individuals and activities, even at night or in low-light conditions. This is crucial for identifying potential security breaches or reviewing and documenting any incidents that occur.
  2. Wide coverage: Cameras should be strategically placed to cover all areas of the establishment, particularly entrances and exits, cash handling areas, where cannabis products are stored, and any customer-facing areas. They should also cover the exterior of the building and parking areas.
  3. Remote viewing: A system that offers remote viewing capabilities allows owners and security personnel to monitor the premises from anywhere, anytime using a smartphone or computer. This feature is especially critical in emergency situations or for off-hours surveillance.
  4. Motion detection: Cameras with motion detection capabilities can alert security personnel to unanticipated movement, particularly in restricted areas or during non-operational hours.
  5. Integration with other systems: Finally, the surveillance system should be able to integrate with other security measures such as alarm systems and access control for a holistic, proactive approach to security.

Your video surveillance solution should work seamlessly to provide a comprehensive security solution. Any incident should be promptly reported to law enforcement agencies, and relevant footage should be stored securely for investigation purposes.

The future of the cannabis industry looks promising, especially if the ideal security solutions are put into action by business proprietors. Implementing comprehensive security measures not only protects valuable assets but also fosters trust and credibility among customers, stakeholders, and regulatory agencies.

As businesses continue to invest in advanced surveillance technology, access controls, and intrusion detection systems, the marijuana sector becomes increasingly resilient to theft and vandalism. This leads to a stable and secure environment conducive to growth and innovation. Consequently, the industry might see an uptick in the number of start-ups, owing to the reduced risk and improved confidence.

Furthermore, the enhanced transparency and accountability due to these security systems could potentially facilitate policy changes, paving the way for broader legalization and normalization of cannabis products.

In conclusion, ensuring security in the cannabis industry is not just about regulatory compliance. It's about safeguarding your investment, protecting your employees, and building trust with your customers. By understanding the potential risks and implementing the necessary security measures, you can create a safe and secure environment for your cannabis business in Alaska.

Collaborate with a professional security integrator who can simplify the complexity of adherence to strict rules, ensure your site is protected from criminals and sabotage at all times, and know in depth the specific cannabis laws and regulations in Anchorage, Juneau, Fairbanks, Sitka, and Seward.

Do you run a cannabis business in Alaska?

Our experts understand the unique security challenges faced by the cannabis industry in Alaska. Contact us today and let's work together to fortify your business with advanced security solutions that comply with state regulations while keeping your premises safe.