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Security requirements for the cannabis industry in Oregon



Operating a cannabis business comes with unique challenges, particularly in ensuring the safety and security of your facility. In Oregon, where the cannabis market is regulated (you can possess, use and buy recreational marijuana if you are 21 and older), there are specific security requirements that must be adhered to.

Some directives to observe in order to get and maintain a cannabis operating license to do business in OR are:

Perimeter Security

To protect your cannabis facility, establishing a secure perimeter is crucial. This involves implementing various physical security solutions.

For instance, installing high-resolution cameras throughout your premises is essential. The cameras should cover all points of ingress and egress, limited access areas, entrances/exits, and areas deemed potential public risks.

Well-lit exteriors also act as a deterrent against criminal activities. Utilize high-intensity discharge (HID) lights, motion-activated lights, parking lot lights, or wall pack lights to illuminate the exterior areas surrounding your facility.

In addition, cannabis businesses should follow the following guidelines:

  • Entire premises must be enclosed by permanent walls & doors.
  • All external doors should be secured by non-residential, commercial-grade locks.
  • Areas where marijuana items will be stored after harvest need to be locked, indoor areas secured with a properly installed steel door with a steel frame, and a commercial grade lock.
Interior security

Protecting the inside of your cannabis organization is equally urgent. To start, consider using safety and security window film, laminated safety glass, or polycarbonate panels instead of typical glass. These options provide added strength and resistance against break-ins and smash-and-grab attempts.

Moreover, install glass break detectors, motion detectors, and panic buttons to enhance your security system. These alarms help detect unauthorized movement and signal incidents in progress to law enforcement.

Plus, utilize TL-rated safes or vaults to securely store cannabis products and cash. High-security doors and locks should be installed to resist forced entry. Commercial-grade non-residential locks should be present on all points of entry and exit.

Access control requirements

Certainly, access control is a vital solution to protecting cannabis businesses in OR. A few points to evaluate include developing a system to manage and control access permissions for employees, contractors, and visitors. Each individual should be assigned unique credentials, such as access cards, key fobs, or biometric data, to grant them appropriate levels of access based on their roles and responsibilities.

Further, to magnify the potency of access control, implement multi-factor authentication methods by combining multiple credentials to significantly augment the security of access control systems, reducing the risk of unauthorized entry.

Video surveillance requirements

Oregon mandates a comprehensive video surveillance solution in cannabis facilities. Cameras must capture clear images within 15 feet of all ingress/egress points, limited access areas, and consumer sales areas. Exterior perimeter cameras should record at least 5 fps, while coverage overlap areas require 10 fps. Cameras must be capable of recording in all lighting conditions.

Recordings must be stored for a minimum of 90 calendar days with off-site backup. The date and time should be embedded on all surveillance recordings without obscuring the picture. The monitoring system must have the ability to produce still photographs from any camera image.

Likewise, all surveillance equipment and recordings, except mounted cameras, should be stored in a locked secure area accessible only to authorized personnel. The recordings must be easily accessible for viewing and reproduction.

These are additional standards to observe:

  • All cameras should record at 1280 X 720 px or better resolution and 10 fps.
  • All cameras must continuously record, 24 hours a day.
  • Recording must continue when the system is disconnected from primary power. Battery should provide one hour of recording time for all required cameras.
  • Applicant/Licensee/Representative must receive notice within one hour of camera disconnection, power disconnection, or other surveillance failure.
  • Licensee must keep a minimum of 90 calendar days of surveillance recordings on-site.
  • All cameras should be capable of recording in the absence of visible light.
Camera coverage is also key

In the Beaver State, it is dictated to ensure monitoring of:

  • All points of ingress and egress to and from the licensed premises, including all exterior boundaries of any unenclosed area.
  • All limited access areas, including all areas where mature plants, harvested plants, or finished product will be present at any time.
  • Any enclosed area where immature plants or seeds will be present at any time.
  • All areas where marijuana waste is required to be stored, destroyed, or rendered unusable.

Complying with the security requirements for the cannabis industry in Oregon state is crucial for ensuring the safety and protection of your business. Implementing the specified physical security solutions, including perimeter security, interior security, and video surveillance systems, is necessary to mitigate risks and safeguard your facility.

Collaborate with a professional security integrator who can simplify the complexity of adherence to strict rules, ensure your site is protected from criminals and sabotage at all times, and knows in depth the specific cannabis laws and regulations in Portland, Eugene, Salem, Gresham, and Hillsboro.

Ensure the security of your cannabis business in Oregon

Our team specializes in providing comprehensive security solutions tailored to the unique requirements of the cannabis industry. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discuss how we can help you achieve compliance, safeguard your assets, and maintain a secure environment for your operations.