For anyone managing security for large, multi-site corporations, ensuring that proper security measures and standards are in place will be impossible unless your key decision-makers are on board with your plan. So how do you build that bridge?
You could try by looking at it solely from a security standpoint, droning on about what you feel is needed and why you need it, which will not get you very far. Or you could learn what business objectives are most important to your C-level executives and speak to how your proposal will help them achieve said goals. That will likely move your global program ahead at a much faster pace. Read our latest whitepaper on how to speak the language that your C-level executives will understand by demonstrating your knowledge of their processes, objectives, and goals for the organization. By showing your consideration of the organization's best interests, you can achieve the security budget needed to meet your own goals as well.
Stay tuned for the next whitepaper in our C-Suite series, which discusses how to demonstrate the ROI of your proposed security plan and the positive financial effects on your organization.